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Re: SLL protocol implementation ?

This is bizarre -- DOn't both of you work for the same outfit?


>From: wmperry@spry.com
>To: www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
>SSL will probably be first, with S-HTTP not too far behind.


:::::::::::::::::::::<<< NETWORKING THE DESKTOP >>>::::::::::::::::::::
 Chris Wilson            	    Spry, Inc.
 WWW Technology Lead		    316 Occidental Avenue S. 2nd Floor
 Email: cwilson@spry.com	    Seattle, WA  98104
 Phone: (206) 447-0300		    FAX: (206) 447-9008

  -- Bob

Robert B. Denny  PGP key via finger rdenny@netcom.com or most keyservers
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